Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saya kena tag...

Saya kena tag oleh Miss Najla. Thanks dear. Okey, sekarang saya nak jawab...

Once you've been tagged, you're supposed to write a note with 100 TRUTH about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Tagged means "I'm interested in knowing what your 100 truth are"..

1. Real Name : Aida Zafirah Ayub
2. Nickname : Aida, Fira, Ya
3. Zodiac Sign : Leo
4. Male or Female : Female
5. Elementary School : SK Semenyih
6. Highschool : SMKA Maahad Hamidiah, Kajang
7. College : UiTM Kedah
8. Hair Colour : Black
9. Tall or Short : Entah lah. ahahahaha. Biase2 je.
10. Sweat or Jeans : Agak2???
11. Phone or Camera : Haruslah phone
12. Health Freak : Takde...
13. Orange or Apple : Orange!!!!
14. Do you have a crush on someone : errrrmmmmm....
15. Eat or Drink : Eat
16. Piercings : No..
17. Pepsi or Coke : Pepsi...

Have you ever..

1 . Been in an airplane : Ade2. Masa pergi umrah taon lepas.
2 . Been in relantionship : Ade. Masa darjah 5. hehehehe. puppy love, biase lah.
3 . Been in car accident : Yup
4 . Been a fist fight : Ade lah gado manja2. Tapi takde lah sampai bertinju bagai.

First & Last

1. First household chores : Masak..terror kan???
2. First best friend : Tak sure lah. Tapi saya kawan semua orang.
3. First award : Tak ingat lah....ehehehehe.
5. First word : (angkat bahu)...
6. First section : soalan ape ni???
7. Last person you talked to in person : kawan saya. Nama kena rahsia...
8. Last person u texted : Nadia Amira. Itupun masa nak balik kedah kejap. Lepas tu saya dah tak topup dah...
9. Last person you watched a movie with : My little bro...cerita HARRY POTTER...
10. Last food you ate : Nasi lemak!!!!Puan ibu yang masak tau...
11. Last movie u watched : Tarzan 2..Kat tv 2 semalam.
12. Last song you listen to : Super girl (super junior)..
13. Last thing you bought : New novel by Ramli Awang Murshid...RAYYAN FANTASI...
14. Last person u hugged : Entah!!!!

Favorite :

1. Food : Fish & Chips
2. Drink : Fresh Orange
3. Bottoms : ni ape pulak ni???
4. Flower : Tulip...
5. Animal : Turtle...
6. Colour : Pink, Black, Purple & Red...
7. Movie : Street Dance 3D...
8. Subject : Mathematic bukan Add math...

(put an X in the bracket if yes )

1. [] falling in love with someone.
2. [] celebrate halloween.
3. [X] had your heart broken.
4. [] went over the minutes / text on your cellphone.
5. [] had someone question about my sexual orientation.
6. [] got pregnant.
7. [] had an a bortion.
8. [X] did something i regret.
9. [X] broke promise.
10. [X] hide a scret.
11. [X] pretend to be happy .
12. [X] meet someone who changed your life
13. [X] pretend to be sick.
14. [] left the country.
15. [] try something you nomally wouldnt try and liked it.
16. [] cry over the silliest thing.
17. [] ran a mile.
18. [] when to the beach with your friend.
19. [X] got into an argument with your friend.
20. [] hated someone.
21. [X] stay single for a whole year.


1. Eating : Baru je lepas sarapan nasi lemak...
2. Drinking : Air mineral je..*dasar pemalas nak masak air..
3. Listening to : Lagu2 korea dalam playlist saya...
4. Sitting or Laying : Sitting..
5. Plan for today : Pergi rumah atok.
6. Waiting : Nak masuk balik uitm....My last semester....Yeay!!!

Your future :

1. want kids ? : Mesti lah...
2. want to get married : NAAAAKKKKK!!! *hamboih gatal ni...
3. career : Lecturer maybe???

Which is more attractive (choose one ) :

1. lips or eyes : Eyes ;)
2. shorter or taller : Taller
3. romantic or spontaneous : Spontan lah....cute...:)
4. hook up or relationship : Relationshipp..
5. looks or pesonality : Personality..

Have you ever..

1. lost glasses/contact : NOPE....
2. snuck out of a house : No..
3. held a gun / knife for self defense : No..
4. killed somebody : Uih..tak boleh...Dosa...
5. broken somebody heart : Ade kowt....
6. been in love : maybe...
7. cried when someone died : Ade...

Do you believe in :

1. yourself : yes
2. miracles : ......
3. love at first sight : Agaknye kot....
4. heaven : PERCAYA....
5. santa claus: Budak2 caye lah kot...
6. superstition : TAK....
7. kiss on the first date : Tak boleh...Kena nikah dulu ye...

Truthfully :

1. is there one person you want to be with right now ? : yup
2. do you know who your real frend are ? : Tau...
3. do you believe in god ? : Hundred percent...
4. post as 100 truths ? : Mesti lah...Tak baik menipu tau...

Seterusnya kena tag 25 orang lagi. Alah, tak nak lah tag sape2, tapi saya nak tag sape2 yang dah baca entry ni. Jawab tau tau tau...


CIK TOM said...

wow pnjgnye tag..mmg rajin la aida ni :)

noa said...

no 14 (atas skali) - tak de jawapan pun huhuhuhu

Aida Zafirah said...

cik tom:hehehehehe...thanks cik tom...

nora:tak tau nak jawab ape...hehehehhe...boleh tak????